I have been really bad about blogging. I wish I could say it was all because we have been so busy doing amazing things-which is partially true. The sad reality is, after work the last thing I've wanted to do is come home and do anything on my computer, after spending all day reading/typing/relying on my work computer. I'll try to work my way back and share some stories about female impersonators, and amazing food (not related to each other in any way). For now, her I am taking stock.
Making: It from day to day. Work is pretty draining. I'm sure I'll blog about it soon.
Cooking: I haven't done any cooking, but in our new kitchen David has made some very amazing meals. He made some Irish Soda Bread and a Beef and Barely Stew that were amazing.
Drinking: My lunch. I'm sipping on a Creamy Tomato Campbell's soup on the go cup.
Reading: I've been doing a bunch of reading, and I think I've given up about blogging what I'm behind on. I just finished reading Brandon Sanderson's Warbreaker. Of course it's book one of more than one. Still trying to decide what to read next. I'd like to read the Dexter books, but there is also a new Lisbeth Salander book that I'd like to read as well. We'll see.
Looking: At the clock wishing my lunch wouldn't go by so fast.
Playing: Nothing. :(
Wasting: Time being worn out.
Sewing: Nothing right now. But I would like to get started on a project-if I could figure out what I want to do.
Wishing: I could be more laid back about things. I don't deal well with lots of things coming at me, and it's wiping me out.
Enjoying: The new house with my wonderful husband.
Waiting: To have people over for a house warming because I'm just not ready to deal with that.
Liking: Booze. Seriously, best part of being an adult.
Wondering: When I'm going to feel like "I get it."
Loving: My husband, always, and my Sisters.
Hoping: That I'll get this job thing figured out.
Marveling: At how tired I am even after all the sleep I got this weekend.
Needing: To go home.
Smelling: My soup.
Wearing: Work clothes :(
Following: Texts with my husband.
Noticing: That my answers are getting shorter and my brain is telling me it wants to be done thinking.
Feeling: Exhausted.
Opening: Some crackers to go with my soup.
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