Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Taking Stock - July 2019

It's been awhile since I've done one of these. It's been awhile since I've posted anything here! I thought I'd try one of these and see what happens. :)

Making:  This journal entry-one thing at a time!

Cooking:  I think next up is going to be something potato related. Either smashed potatoes (David taught me how to make the best ever) or my mom's cheese potatoes.

Drinking:  Dr. Pepper and water.

Reading:  A new book came out in the The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey. It's actually been out for quite a while but it's been long enough since the last time I read the last book (and I've read so much in-between) that I decided to re-read the series so it would make sense. They also have some novella's out that take place between books and I am finally reading those since I can read things in order. I'm currently on one of those novella's right now, The Vital Abyss. Then I get to start on Nemesis Games. I'm slowly getting to the new book, two more novellas and two more books and then I'm there. I'm enjoying the re-read. I pick up something new every time and the novella's have added some interesting insight and back story to some of the characters and events so it's been well worth the time.

Looking:  Occasionally out the window. I have a view of the Nike campus, and there is always something going on over there. Right now they are doing some construction work around the main entrance (among all the other huge projects going on all over the campus) so I see a bunch of worker in orange safety vests standing around and pointing while one guy is working a cute little CAT digging machine.

Playing:  Elder Scrolls Online! I'm so hooked. It's hard not to creep down and play it all the time but I'm keeping play time to evenings and weekends-after important things are done and making sure it doesn't take over like World of Warcraft did.

Wasting:  Time. Always.

Sewing:  I finished up some cross stitches that I need to get to people. I'm taking a break until a project comes along that inspires me and I can't get it out of my mind (like the ones I just finished).

Wishing:  I wasn't so anxious about new things.

Enjoying:  Feeling like I have accomplished something things. I still have things I want to do, but I have been able to cross some things off my list and that feels pretty good.

Waiting:  For inspiration. I know I need to do my part.

Liking:  Potatoes. I just can't get enough right now.

Wondering:  What it will take to find that idea.

Loving:  My husband. I know I always say that but I am so lucky to have a partner in my life that understands me. I can 100% be myself with him, say anything, and I know he's still going to love me and be there for me. I just love every day with him. I also love our cat. She's getting older, and I think she's mellowing out with us. She is a little more affectionate, and has been seeking us out for attention rather than ignoring us. I have all I need with my little family here.

Hoping:  That I can maintain a good head space. Sometimes it's really easy to go down one of those gloom holes and I really have no reason to. I have a lot to be thankful and happy about. Negativity be gone!

Marveling:  At how much I've been sleeping lately.

Needing:  To keep working on trying new things and finding that balance.

Smelling:  Mown grass.

Wearing:  Jeans, comfy t-shirt, sock, sage green converse.

Following:  Nothing really new. I'm a big ID channel follower, does that count?

Noticing:  That I think about food a lot. And murder, but see sentence above.

Feeling:  Optimistic.

Opening:  I opened a new box of box wine a few days ago, does that count?

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