Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Taking Stock - July 2024

Wow. I totally disappeared. I didn't realize it had been SO long. It was really hard to post after Puppy passed. There is still a large hole in my heart, but I think we are at a point where we want to welcome some new crazy fluff into our hearts. Work life has finally settled. I don't feel the anxiety I had been suffering from from past places of employment. I'm lucky my current place and team is so awesome. I feel like David and I are in a good place, and living our best lives together. I'm a lucky lady!

I'm going to try to get back into things by trying to at least do a monthly taking stock post, so here goes nothing!

Making:  I haven't really been crafty the last couple of years. I'm not currently working on anything, or planning to. Maybe that will change this fall.

Cooking:  I've been doing more cooking on the weekends so we have easy meals during the work week. Last weekend I made a batch of taco meat, and we've been enjoying burritos for dinner.

Drinking:  Dr. Pepper.

Reading:  House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Mass.

Looking:  Forward to the end of the day. It's nice to just catch up on things and unwind with David.

Playing:  I'm not playing any games, so I'm going to look at this as what music I'm playing. Right now I'm giving the new Zach Bryan album a listen, The Great American Bar Scene.

Wasting:  Time. I feel like there is more I should be doing, but I'm just so tired.

Sewing:  I haven't been sewing. :(

Wishing:  Things weren't so messed up in the world right now.

Enjoying:  A work break.

Waiting:  For some exciting stuff coming out on Netflix!

Liking:  Watermelon.

Wondering:  What to cook for dinners this weekend.

Loving:  That I have a husband who understands and accepts me.

Hoping:  To get my crap together and get the stuff on the table for Goodwill over to Goodwill!

Marveling:  At how quickly things can change.

Needing:  More sleep.

Smelling:  McDonald's fries.

Wearing:  Jeans, tank top, cute shoes.

Following:  Nothing new really.

Noticing:  That it's not as hot today.

Feeling:  Calm.

Opening:  Nothing right now.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Hardest Goodbye


We said goodbye to Puppy today. This was one of the hardest things we've had to do. She was our girl, and we had to make the choice to let her go. Our poor girl let us know it was time, and we didn't want her to suffer. Our hearts are broken. 

We miss you. Goodnight pup pup.

Friday, May 1, 2020


It's been a long time since I posted anything here. I got busy, then I wasn't but I didn't have anything to say, and now I'm busy again but life is so weird now. Sometimes I don't know quite how to process everything that's going on, and how much things have changed. I feel kind of bad that I didn't start blogging about things at the start, but I also was busy still getting into my new job and was having a hard time processing everything going on.

While watching A Late Show with Stephen Colbert, I learned about something called The Isolation Journals. I really like writing prompts and this site seems to have some pretty thought provoking ones. I thought maybe I'd give it a try, and use this blog to house them. Maybe it will help me get back into blogging and I'll get you all caught up with what I've been doing with myself. Or maybe it really doesn't matter and we'll just figure things out together moving forward. I hope anyone reading this is well, and staying sane!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Taking Stock - September 2019

I really do have the best intentions of writing, yet I never ever seem to follow through. What I should be doing is trying to post the weird ass dreams I've been having. Since I've taken steps and gotten some of my sleep issues in better control I've been sleeping and dreaming again and my dreams are really weird. Anyway... since I can't seem to be disciplined enough to do that at this time here is a taking stock post.

Making:  Progress. I've had some projects I've wanted to do and I made a huge dent in the photo one I had. I have photos from my father's side of the family and I have all of them scanned in and labeled (to the best of my ability). That was a huge task-but really satisfying. Now I want to get them into a scrapbook with any stories I can get about them. That will clear some photo storage space and allow me to focus 100% on my next project-David's family photos!

Cooking:  I made a tri tip roast earlier this week so I'll just be making a side to go with the left overs tonight-mushrooms in butter. Yum!

Drinking:  Dr. Pepper.

Reading:  I'm still working on my reread of The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey. I'm still a few books away from the new one and man have I forgotten a lot. I'm really really glad I'm revisiting them all first!

Looking:  Forward to some down time with David. We are in great need of a recharge and there is one coming up. I'm looking forward to every minute of quiet time I can get with him.

Playing:  Stardew Valley. It's a low-key farming game. It's seriously about growing crops, tending animals and making friends with the village you live in.

Wasting:  Time. Always. Still.

Sewing:  I haven't done any sewing lately. I may get back into it when the cold weather comes. I just haven't felt much like working on anything like that.

Wishing:  It was the weekend. :)

Enjoying:  The Nine Inch Nails album I downloaded for my birthday.

Waiting:  For happy hour with David.

Liking:  Chicken wings and nachos. I need them all in my face!

Wondering:  What is next up for me.

Loving:  My little family unit. David and Riley are all I need. I love our little routines and rituals. Since I've been home Riley has seemed to have mellowed (she's still no lap cat). She interacts with us more, she's chatty, she's soft and seems to be less irritated by our love. It's been really nice to spend time with both of them.

Hoping:  I can figure out how to get some good activity in and get some of this weight off. Seriously, ugh.

Marveling:  At how cute our cat is.

Needing:  To find my confidence.

Smelling:  Clean air.

Wearing:  Jeans, comfy t-shirt, socks, purple converse.

Following:  I've started watching some YouTube channels for cooking and gaming.

Noticing:  That it's finally getting cooler out.

Feeling:  Content.

Opening:  Nothing right now.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Taking Stock - July 2019

It's been awhile since I've done one of these. It's been awhile since I've posted anything here! I thought I'd try one of these and see what happens. :)

Making:  This journal entry-one thing at a time!

Cooking:  I think next up is going to be something potato related. Either smashed potatoes (David taught me how to make the best ever) or my mom's cheese potatoes.

Drinking:  Dr. Pepper and water.

Reading:  A new book came out in the The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey. It's actually been out for quite a while but it's been long enough since the last time I read the last book (and I've read so much in-between) that I decided to re-read the series so it would make sense. They also have some novella's out that take place between books and I am finally reading those since I can read things in order. I'm currently on one of those novella's right now, The Vital Abyss. Then I get to start on Nemesis Games. I'm slowly getting to the new book, two more novellas and two more books and then I'm there. I'm enjoying the re-read. I pick up something new every time and the novella's have added some interesting insight and back story to some of the characters and events so it's been well worth the time.

Looking:  Occasionally out the window. I have a view of the Nike campus, and there is always something going on over there. Right now they are doing some construction work around the main entrance (among all the other huge projects going on all over the campus) so I see a bunch of worker in orange safety vests standing around and pointing while one guy is working a cute little CAT digging machine.

Playing:  Elder Scrolls Online! I'm so hooked. It's hard not to creep down and play it all the time but I'm keeping play time to evenings and weekends-after important things are done and making sure it doesn't take over like World of Warcraft did.

Wasting:  Time. Always.

Sewing:  I finished up some cross stitches that I need to get to people. I'm taking a break until a project comes along that inspires me and I can't get it out of my mind (like the ones I just finished).

Wishing:  I wasn't so anxious about new things.

Enjoying:  Feeling like I have accomplished something things. I still have things I want to do, but I have been able to cross some things off my list and that feels pretty good.

Waiting:  For inspiration. I know I need to do my part.

Liking:  Potatoes. I just can't get enough right now.

Wondering:  What it will take to find that idea.

Loving:  My husband. I know I always say that but I am so lucky to have a partner in my life that understands me. I can 100% be myself with him, say anything, and I know he's still going to love me and be there for me. I just love every day with him. I also love our cat. She's getting older, and I think she's mellowing out with us. She is a little more affectionate, and has been seeking us out for attention rather than ignoring us. I have all I need with my little family here.

Hoping:  That I can maintain a good head space. Sometimes it's really easy to go down one of those gloom holes and I really have no reason to. I have a lot to be thankful and happy about. Negativity be gone!

Marveling:  At how much I've been sleeping lately.

Needing:  To keep working on trying new things and finding that balance.

Smelling:  Mown grass.

Wearing:  Jeans, comfy t-shirt, sock, sage green converse.

Following:  Nothing really new. I'm a big ID channel follower, does that count?

Noticing:  That I think about food a lot. And murder, but see sentence above.

Feeling:  Optimistic.

Opening:  I opened a new box of box wine a few days ago, does that count?

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Taking Stock - For November 2018

It's been awhile since I've updated or posted anything to this blog. You know how it is, sometimes life and adulting just take over and it's hard to find the time to make words. At least that's been my struggle. To hopefully help me ease back into things, here is a taking stock post for November 2018.

Making:  Some progress on operation de-clutter!

Cooking:  I made a beef soup (that was supposed to be a stew but the recipe lied) for dinner last night that tasted good, but was not quite what either of us wanted. It was nice to get back into the kitchen and do some cooking.

Drinking:  Coke Zero. So apparently my cutting out soda is going really well!

Reading:  I'm currently re-reading the Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher. I like to revisit books like old friends and I enjoy his writing.

Looking:  Out the window. There is traffic to watch pass by, but it's also very much fall on the Nike campus and the colors of the leaves still left on the trees are pretty. It makes my mind wander to happy thoughts like apple cider donuts and pumpkin spice lattes.

Playing:  Nothing right now. I'm hoping to get to a point where David can teach me to play chess!

Wasting:  I feel like I'm wasting time, but I think I always feel that way.

Sewing:  It's been awhile since I've worked on any cross-stitches. That is another thing I'm hoping to get back into after life settles into a new routine.

Wishing:  I was less fearful about new things. I also wish it wasn't so hard for me to stand up for myself.

Enjoying:  Getting myself back together, and getting the house back in shape.

Waiting:  To see what the next few months have in store for us!

Liking:  The chance to go through things that have needed to be gone through, and to play in the kitchen.

Wondering:  If I will finally find my creativity ;)

Loving:  My husband. He has been my biggest supporter, my best friend, my rock...he is my home and my heart.

Hoping:  That I can figure out eBay without having a stroke.

Marveling:  At how much better I sleep when I can let some of the anxiety go.

Needing:  To believe in myself as much as my husband does so I can be the person he sees me as for real.

Smelling:  Cool fall air.

Wearing:  Jeans, ratty but comfy shirt, warm socks, and a snuggly sweater.

Following:  I've recently been sucked into the world of true crime podcasts. I was never able to get into podcasts but then a coworker talked up Sword and Scale and I'm hooked!

Noticing:  That I'm still not used to typing on my lap top keyboard.

Feeling:  Hopeful.

Opening:  Nothing yet, but there is a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream calling my name. Just waiting for the end of the day!

Thank you for reading. Hopefully I'll get into a routine and start telling some stories, and sharing my days. If you are new to my blog please say hi, and you have your own blog please add a link so I can come over and say hi.

Friday, September 18, 2015

More on the Great Move

This update is a little late in coming and long overdue, but I promise it is all good news.

First of all, the cat seems to be mostly her old cranky self and is quite settled in at the new home. The new environment seems to have had an impact on her purring and meowing. Her purrs are much louder now, and she is much more chatty. Her meows are so loud they are startling at times. I'm not complaining, I love hearing her purr. I am a crazy cat lady, so I'm thrilled she meows at me when I talk to her. She is fueling my crazy now.

Second, we are officially free of the old home. After a seriously frustrating process, where we found ourselves wondering repeatedly who exactly our realtor was working for, the sale on the old home closed and we were able to close the door on our old home town. I won't lie, part of me was sad to let go because of all the memories and things associated with that home. But now that there has been some time away, and we are settling into our new routines I find I am looking forward to making new memories for our now home to hold. 

Third, David's new workshop space is now ready for him to move in to and set up. We had to replace the flooring (carpet floor for wood working is not a good idea), and were finally able to do so. Now he as the daunting task of setting up and unpacking, but it is going to be amazing when it's all done. I can't wait for him to be able to start working on some of the projects he's been waiting to do.

Fourth, we are mostly unpacked! There are still some boxes, like David's workshop is all still in boxes and I have some knick-knacks, photos, and candles I haven't unpacked. But all the important home stuff is officially unpacked. 

Now we get to really enjoy our new home and our new town. We have had some people over and David has cooked some amazing food. We have also found some great places to dine, including a McMenamins really close and a really tasty Thai place. There is a book store not even 4 minutes from our house which we have yet to set foot in because that's just inviting trouble. The only problem is there is a disturbing lack of easy to access Starbucks for us in the mornings. There is one, but the volume of people is so much higher here that the wait time is longer and it is just less convenient to swing by in the morning for a cup of I'm too lazy to brew at home. I hold on to the dream that they are still taking over and there is going to be one opening up on a closer corner any day now.